Checkers package#


Base Check module#

Base Checker Class

This module defines the base checker class that each deparmtnet’s checker class will inherit from. Aditionally, using python’s builtin ‘getattr’ function, it allows for dynamic method calling. Avoiding the need to call each department’s method individually.


To create a new checker class, you can inherit from BaseCheck and add your own ‘check’ and ‘fix’ methods to it.

class MyDepartmentChecker(BaseCheck):
def __init__(self):

super().__init__() # Add your check methods and condition managers to the data’s department dictionary pass

def check_my_check(self):

# Your check logic here pass

def fix_my_check(self, error_list):

# Your fix logic here pass

class master_checker.checkers.basecheck.BaseCheck#

Bases: object

Base Checker Class

This class is the base class for all department checker classes. It contains the basic structure and methods that each department’s checker class will inherit from.


Dictionary that holds each department checker and their respective methods




List of objects to run the checks on




Base Checker Class Constructor

Initializes the data dictionary and the objects_list list


Abstract method to run all checks defined in the data dictionary

Using python’s builtin ‘getattr’ function, this method allows for dynamic method calling. Formating the method name to call using the ‘check_’ prefix and the function name as the suffix. If the method is not implemented, it will print a message and skip it.


public_nodes (list) – List of public nodes to run the checks on

check_func(public_nodes, _func)#

Run specific department’s check method

Using python’s builtin ‘getattr’ function, this method allows for dynamic method calling. Formating the method name to call using the ‘check_’ prefix and the function name as the suffix. If the method is not implemented, it will print a message and skip it.

  • public_nodes (list) – List of public nodes to run the check on

  • _func (string) – basname of the function to run

fix_func(error_list, _func)#

Run specific department’s fix method

Using python’s builtin ‘getattr’ function, this method allows for dynamic method calling. Formating the method name to call using the ‘fix_’ prefix and the function name as the suffix. If the method is not implemented, it will print a message and skip it.

  • error_list (list) – List of public nodes that fail the check

  • _func (string) – basname of the function to run


Update the list of objects to run the checks on


scene_objects (list) – List of objects to run the checks on

Naming Check module#

Pipeline Check module#

Rigging Check module#

Module contents#